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Mickey Jazz Clarinet

Your Taiwan Clarinetist

Blog: Welcome

【 重返搖擺盛世:單簧管與鐵琴之夜​】

💡向搖擺年代靈魂人物:#BennyGoodman & #LionelHampton 致敬​​ 在當今的爵士樂演出中,​ 單簧管與鐵琴是相對較少出現的樂器,對一般聽眾來說也較為陌生。​ ​但你知道嗎?​ 那個讓爵士樂一度成為美國主流文化,全國上下不分種族、階級,一同搖擺狂歡...

Ochres music -聲納束圈測試

很開心這次能受到邀請來測試OCHRES新推出的Soner Ligature聲納豎圈,雖然在這之前已經看到很多前輩老師們的分享文,但收到產品開箱時第一眼就被他優美的紫色外型給吸引。 經過幾週下來的交叉測試感覺對於吹奏上的反應很直接,音色的包覆性很夠,不管是在爵士或者古典的演奏...

Mickey Jazz Clarinet

國立東華大學音樂學系爵士組碩士,主修爵士薩克斯風,師事楊曉恩老師。 私立真立大學音樂應用學系演奏教學組學士,主修單簧管,師事賴怡叡老師。 曾為Midwest Jazz Orchestra單簧管手並參加各類型的音樂節演出,如:台北爵士音樂節、台中爵士音樂節、兩廳院夏日爵士派對...

Harness Your Inner Talent

This is your blog post. Blogs are a great way to connect with your audience and keep them coming back. They can also be a great way to...

What My Music Has Taught Me

This is your blog post. To really engage your site visitors we suggest you blog about subjects that are related to your site or business....

Music Appreciation Starts at a Young Age

This is your blog post. Great looking images make your blog posts more visually compelling for your audience, so choose media that really...

Blog: Blog2
Blog: Bookings Widget
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