Instrumental Harmony
Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone
Mickey Jazz Music does not just play one instrument but is a multi-instrumentalist virtuoso. After deciding to dedicate their life to music, Mickey Jazz Clarinet wanted to learn as much as they possibly could about more instruments that would enrich their musical experience. Below you’ll be able to read about some of the instruments Mickey Jazz Clarinet plays and learn more about the uses of each instrument.
Mickey Jazz Music is known for playing quite a few instruments, including the Clarinet. While many other musicians may pick up a second or third instrument for the fun of it, Mickey Jazz Clarinet is extremely dedicated to each instrument they play. They spend hours learning every possible technique and style each different instrument is able to create.
Tenor Saxophone
When it came to learning how to play the Tenor Sax Mickey Jazz Clarinet did it all on their own. Having studied for years with music teachers, Mickey Jazz Clarinet felt confident enough with their talent to learn how to play this intricate instrument. The results were outstanding and have enabled Mickey Jazz Clarinet to add another instrument to their already rich resume.